Company culture

“In a nutshell, culture is the “heartbeat” of a company – Gary Vaynerchuk

Company culture is like an invisible religion that guides all employees, board members and CEOs in their decision making. Even when no one is around, it allows decisions to be made in line with the company’s values, keeping everyone on the same track, headed in the right direction– whilst ensuring all are having a great time along the way.

Having a well-defined and non-negotiable company culture, aligns yourself and your team with everything that your company sets out to do and drives you towards it. From long term goals, to day-to-day life in the work place, by having a positive culture running throughout the blood of your company, it will enhance productivity, results and happiness for all.

Where to start

What are your values? What are the boundaries you set for yourself and your teams? Let’s be clear, culture isn’t a one-time workshop, it’s an ongoing project that needs to be reviewed, challenged and embraced day in and day out.

Culture is grown from within, it’s created by your people, their attitudes and behaviours (both consciously and unconsciously), it can’t be imposed.

Take some time to sit down and look at your own personal values, what’s important to you and why. Then speak to those trusted advisors around you, key stake holders in the business, and even those rocks who although may not be in management, may have been within your company for years and are truly embedded (in the right way!). This group of significant and diverse people will help you create, define and protect your company’s culture. Once agreed, document it, make it visible to all and ensure that moving forwards these are the rules of the game that everyone has to play by.

Here at Coaching 360, our company culture runs deep within the veins of all the team. Even though we come from different backgrounds, are at different stages of life and often have different opinions and ideas – one thing we all have in common, is that out company culture is the single most important thing to us as a team, we live and breathe it, and if anyone (team members or clients) goes against it, it’s challenged. An example, on a few occasions in the last 6 months we’ve had enquiries and new prospects in our pipeline, that have had a concern raised over them by a member the team. Either from personal experience or from trusted advisors, we’ve instantly removed these potential clients out of our sales pipeline, which may have cost us financially, however will always be the correct decision. If they do not align with our company culture and values, they do not fit as clients within our community.  We value our team members feelings and community culture over new business every day.

We have 11 key values (You can find them HERE). And if you’ve met us, I truly believe that you will feel them radiate from us all, and if you look closely, see them in everything we do.

Question time

  • Do you know your personal values?
  • Are they written down?
  • Have you asked your team theirs?
  • Have you agreed and defined your companies’ values?
  • Are they written and showcased for all to see? “Are you shouting loud, and feeling proud?”
  • Does everyone within your organisation consider these values when making decisions?
  • Does everyone live & breath these values?

The good the bad and the ugly

When you have a good (lets say great!) company culture, the benefits for both yourself and your team are undeniable. Not only will you FEEL the positive, supportive and energised atmosphere in the office, but you will see the rewards fall onto your bottom line, through growth and through your own enjoyment of a day (And for some, the ability to sleep well at night).  Ensuring your culture supports your employees and their decision making will empower them, allowing them the freedom they desire, yet ensuring they play within the rules of your game you’ve set out.

Great company culture

  • Promotes team work
  • Celebrates achievements
  • Recognises individuals
  • Gives trust
  • Welcomes new ideas
  • Supports opportunity and personal growth
  • Holds everyone accountable
  • Encourages challenge
  • Creates safety
  • Creates a fun, and enjoyable workplace

Bad & Ugly company culture

  • Passes blame
  • Pushes away accountability
  • Allows sarcasm, bullying and disrespect
  • Doesn’t listen or empathise
  • Discourages new ideas or initiatives
  • Resents change
  • Encourages laziness
  • Sucks enjoyment
  • Causes stress and anxiety

What your company’s culture?

The first step to creating a better culture, is to understand what your current company culture feels like. Take a moment to step back and deeply think about it, what do you hear and believe. Then ask your team, what do they feel and see, ask them for examples and revue exit surveys of past employees. Be brutally honest, take off your rose-tinted glasses and listen to what others have to say – there’s no point being defensive, as this is your greatest learning opportunity, and will equip you with the truth before you go about pledging change.


Agree the change

When you’ve reviewed where you are, you’ve set out and defined with your team what’s important to you all and what the new rules of the game are. It’s time to agree to embrace fully and move ensure every future step is aligned with your new culture. Recruit with it, dismiss with it, take risks, grow and celebrate in line with it. Whenever you have a challenge to overcome, use your moral compass and company values (your culture) to decide which route to take. Even if, sometimes it is at a short-term expense – you must always, without any exception go against it. Example, if you have a team member who goes against it, or doesn’t fully buy into it – they need to leave. Even if they play a really important role in the day to day running of the business, remember, a poisoned apple spoils an entire fruit bowl. Even the tiniest hole in a keel, will sink a ship, and it’ll drag the entire crew down with it.

When you know your values and you define your culture. Make it none negotiable, defend it and empower everyone from the CEO to the part time interns to challenge anyone within the company who goes against it.

Your culture is most powerful when your team truly live and breathe it, they take responsibility and feel ownership of it. They use it to guide them daily and take it upon themselves to challenge those around them who attempt to sink their (your) ship.


And remember, you will continually need to work on your company culture. It will never be “done”, as your company grows and diversifies, it will be questioned and scrutinised. But, if you truly believe in what you’ve set out, you will create and continue to build a world class environment, that both attracts and retains the top talent that fits and aligns with you and what you set out to achieve in the very beginning.


“Think Big, Have Fun & Do Good” – Warby Parks culture summed up beautifully.